From the desert to the mountaintop!  It is the journey we travel the first two weeks of Lent each year.  We are reminded that each of us faces challenges, struggles, and temptations in our lives.  But God reminds us through the Transfiguration of what awaits us if we remain faithful.  Jesus takes his disciples with him knowing full well the trials which await them.  He wants them to see and know the hope and joy of the future.  The hope which the Transfiguration offers to us is the encouragement we need to weather the storms or our lives.

As Vincentians, we too need to sometimes help those to whom we minister to understand that there is hope for the future.  This is the greatest gift we give to them – not food, or rent or utilities or gas – but hope and presence.  A sense that someone cares and understands.   Am I ready, open and willing to allow God to use my presence to help others to see His hope?  Do I make myself available to the Spirit – or do I simply take him along for the ride?

Lord Jesus, allow me to work humbly as your servant, being open to whatever you ask of me.  Enable me to show your love through my words and actions.  Give me patience to listen for your direction – and then to act upon it.  Shine your light through me that others might see.  We pray all of this in your name.  Amen

Deacon Mike