We are in the midst of the Resurrection stories.  Peter offers the opportunity of conversion – simply seeking the forgiveness of the Lord and changing our hearts – to the very people who put Jesus to death.  In the gospel, the disciples cannot get over what has taken place.  Just before this reading they say “Weren’t our hearts burning!”  Excitement and opportunity abounds – forgiveness is in the air – evangelization is afoot.  There is a great passion and zeal for Christ and all He offers.  Passion comes out of the scripture and is lived through action.  Hearing is turned into loving.  That loving is manifested in mercy and forgiveness.  But with so much happening, it is also important to discern – to take time to try and understand what has taken place.

As Vincentians, we are called to such zeal and passion.  We have heard and embraced the love of Jesus in scripture and seen it in the faces of the poor.  Through our conference meetings, we are called to sit down in community sharing our passion with one another.  We discern all we have seen and heard in our visits and what it means for us.  Can we set aside our judgments?  Do we have mercy and forgiveness for our clients?  Do we seek their forgiveness and mercy towards us?  Do we offer it to one another in brotherhood and sisterhood?  Are our conference meetings truly a place of growth in holiness, discernment of all we have seen and heard, and a rekindling of our passion and zeal for Christ?

Lord Jesus, grace me with a thirst for you and a passion in all I do.  Give me the virtue of zeal that I might vigorously fight for justice, mercy, compassion, and love for each of the people you bring before me.  Help me to passionately make your presence known to them through my actions.  Help me to enter into conference meetings with a heart open to growth and love.  Allow me to be inspired – and to inspire others. Let my heartburn with your love!    We pray all of this in your name.  Amen