There is a flow to the readings from this week which lead us to one conviction – the need to above all else hear the will of God, listen to the will of God and do the will of God!  Adam and Eve violated God’s will and became afraid as they were separated from God’s will.  They heard His will but chose not to listen.  In our responsorial psalm we are reminded though of God’s great mercy.  “With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption.”  His plan of mercy and redemption was set in motion and became evident with the arrival and passion of our Lord Jesus.  In the gospel Jesus reminds us that following God’s will is what united us first and foremost – even more than family. “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”

As Vincentians, we are called to trust in God’s plan, seek His will, and submit to His will in humility and self-sacrifice with passion and mercy.  In short, we are called to hear His will, listen to His will and do His will.  We accomplish this first and foremost through prayerful discernment of that will for us and those He brings before us in our ministry.  Do I faithfully enter into prayerful discernment every day and before all decisions I make?  Do I seek His will or do I seek to make my will acceptable to Him?  Do I embrace His will for me and those around me or do I try to hide from it?

Lord Jesus, help me to slow down and listen through prayerful discernment for your will in my life.  Give me the courage to accept that will and to embrace it as my own.  Allow me to walk humbly in your presence filled with mercy and compassion.  Take from me my prejudices, allow me to set aside my concerns and help me to passionately pursue your mercy for all others.  We pray all of this in your name.  Amen

Deacon Mike