We enter our final week of the liturgical year.  It is also the week, when more than any other, we pause as Americans to give thanks for all the blessings which we have received and the many gifts we have to be thankful for.  Our gospel on Thanksgiving Day recounts the story of the ten lepers who were healed – only one of whom offered thanks for the blessing.  All ten were suffering and likely had bitterness or sadness about their lot in life.  And yet, when they were graced with healing which gave them new hope and a new beginning, only one found his way back to our Lord.   The new Liturgical year offers each of us healing an renewed hope for the future as we anticipate the birth of our Lord.  It is only fitting that we bring an attitude of thanksgiving to the fore.

As Vincentians, we have all experienced both those who show little or no gratitude and those who are totally grateful.  So many have all the reason in the world to feel bitterness about their circumstances in life.  And yet, they find their way past the bitterness and are filled with gratitude for the help we bring.  It is their faith which leads them to see God’s hand in the help they receive.  Am I appreciative of all that I have?  Do I recognize the blessings God has bestowed on me?  Do I give glory, praise and thanks to God each and every day?

I pray for each of you that you may find the time to spend with your family this Thanksgiving.  As we enjoy our families, let us also take some time to remember those who are less fortunate – those who have no family, those who have no faith, those who are hurting and those who lack basic necessities.

Lord Jesus, help me to see your hand in all that I have.  Let me see the many blessings in my life.  Give me the courage, the humility and the grace to stop and offer thanks to you for all I have.  Be with those who find themselves suffering during this time.  Let them bear their crosses in faith and see the hope that you offer to each of us.     We pray all of this in your name.  Amen

Deacon Mike