Our readings this week take us back to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. In many ways they are about discovery. Discovery of who we are and who Christ is. Discovery of His will for us. In the gospel John is the herald of the Good News to come – Jesus the Messiah. John, upon seeing Jesus cries out, “Behold the Lamb of God.” Upon hearing this, the first two of His disciples follow Him. Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” They respond to His invitation to “come and see.” Samuel responds as well in the first reading to the call of God saying “here I am…your servant is listening.” Like Samuel, and like the apostles, we too respond to God’s invitation saying “here I am Lord, I come to do your will.” Once we are made aware of the invitation and the hope of our Lord, His radiant love draws us in.
As Vincentians, we open the eyes of those to whom we minister to the glory of God just as John opened the eyes of the apostles. Through our words, our compassion, our kindness and the hope we offer, we cry out ‘behold the love of God!’ When we offer ourselves to others through Christ and for Christ, acting in humility with patience and compassionate love, we say ‘here I am Lord, I come to do your will.’ In so doing, we bring the awareness, presence and love of Christ to those in need. Hope is renewed once again. Do I offer myself as a herald of Christ? Do I come in humility and self-sacrifice saying ‘here I am Lord, I come to do your will.”
Lord Jesus, help me to empty myself of pride and self-indulgence that I may truly be your humble servant. Give me the courage to embrace your love making it present to others through the actions you call me to. Help me to grow in the virtues of patience, kindness, and self-sacrifice. Humble me that I may fully and completely seek and embrace your will in all that I do. We pray all of this in your name. Amen
Deacon Mike