From the Deacon’s Desk: Prayer and Inspirational Thoughts
June 5 – Pentecost Sunday
Potential blossoms into passionate performance!! We hear this week about the Spirit given to us by Jesus to be with us, to guide us and to give us strength and courage. Jesus has taught the apostles, he has given them both the example of his life as well as experiences in ministry, he has given them the plan for the future, and now he has equipped them with the inspiration and confidence of the Holy Spirit. The apostles emerge from the shadows to become the voice of Jesus calling all to Him and to the new found hope of the world. They have been emboldened to take all that Jesus has given them, and they have gone out as He instructed them with confidence and passion. Their potential has been unlocked and unleashed!
We are reminded on this Pentecost weekend that the presence of the Spirit of God is a fact. St. Paul tells us that we are each given gifts to use for the building up of the body of Christ. We are encouraged to trust in the presence of that Spirit that formed the followers of Jesus – that made it possible for them to jump into the whole experience of being church – to realize their full potential. Through our baptism and confirmation, we are given the Spirit and called to realize our potential as well. The question is whether we throw ourselves into the Spirit of God and let that Spirit move us and form us and make us what we are supposed to be. God is here in our midst regardless of what we do or who we are or how we act. God is ours for the asking. He is with us – here and now. He is the essence of our lives. And just as he gifted the apostles with the Holy Spirit, so too he gifts us. Just as he called the apostles forward past their fears, he calls each of us forward past our fears. Our Psalm says, “Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.” We are the carriers of that Spirit! Our Gospel Acclamation says “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love.” That’s us! It’s an acclamation. We are saying to God, Yes, give us your fire – give us your love – give us your Spirit! We need to embrace and realize our potential!
As Vincentians, we have been gifted with the instruction and guidance of Vincent and Frederic. They have given us the Rule, the Manual, the Society, and the example of their lives to form us as Vincentians. They have given us the plan to grow in holiness and serve our neighbors in need. And we have been gifted and emblazoned with the Holy Spirit to walk with us as we journey forward. We turn to the Spirit in prayer and thanksgiving, asking for the courage to step forward in service, using the gifts God has given to each of us. With the confidence instilled in us, we move forward with a passion to lift our brothers and sisters up that they too might see the hope which inspires us. How do I act with the confidence and courage of the Spirit? How do I embrace the ministry as a Vincentian being guided in all ways by the Rule and Manual? How do I make the hope of Christ come alive before those whom God brings to me?
Lord Jesus, you have blest me with the Spirit as my guide, my advocate, my protector, and my strength. Help me to embrace the Spirit in my life and ministry. Help me to recognize the gifts and talents you have given to me that I may use them to the glory of your name. Let me be your vessel to bring the Good News to all those I meet, that they may come to know you and love you, and find their hope in you, Allow me to go out as the apostles did, boldly proclaiming your Word through mercy and compassion. I pray all of this in your name. Amen
Deacon Mike