Say to those whose hearts are frightened: be strong, fear not! Here is your God…he comes to save you.” Our readings this week speak to faith, trust and action. Faith that we need not be afraid because God comes to save us from all that looks to harm us. Trust that he will heal us and give us all that we need. And a call to action for all of us to care for the weak, the vulnerable and the frightened. A call to act in harmony bringing others before the Lord without regard to their station in life, that he may lift them up; that we may all be opened to hear and see the truth of God’s love for us.

Notice in the gospel though, Jesus took the deaf man whom the people brought to him off by himself to remove him from the crowd. He took him from the noise of the world that he might be able to hear the words of Jesus, feel his healing touch, and see his loving compassion without distractions and confusion. How many of us have lost our ability to hear our Lord clearly over the noise – the distractions of the world? Satan distracts us, confuses us, and divides us. He calls us to focus on ourselves first and always! But Jesus calls us to step away from the noise. He calls us to His table where he feeds us and gives us nourishment that strengthens and sustains us. He gazes into our eyes and says to us “Ephphatha – BE OPENED!” He calls us to prayer and action; to set judgments aside and to focus on others before ourselves. It is up to each of us to go out from His table and fight for our faith, fight for the dignity of others and lift up those whose hearts are frightened.

As Vincentians, this goes right to the heart of our ministry and how we grow in holiness. We care for the poor and vulnerable and learn from them the importance of dependence on others. Not only do we see it in their very lives, but we learn through OUR dependence on others to help us care for them. We are reminded of the importance for us to act, bringing other before Jesus. We are called to act with confidence and trust, born out of our faith that God has come to save us and those he brings before us. Our faith calls us to act on behalf of others helping to quiet the noise and distractions in their lives that they may see, hear and feel God’s presence and saving action in their lives. We strive to work in harmony with one another, recognizing that we are not the authors of healing, but rather that we bring others before God, seeking His will and healing for them. How do I work in harmony with my fellow Vincentians to care for those who are frightened and vulnerable? How do I remove the noise of distractions from my life – and the lives of others – that we may more clearly hear God’s will? How do I set my prejudices and judgements to the side, seeking only to sing the praise of God from the depths of my soul?

Lord Jesus, help me to view all peoples through your lens of total love, mercy and compassion. Take away my judgements and prejudices. Help me to trust in my dependence on you for myself and for others. Grace me with the zeal to bring others before you, seeking your healing presence in their lives. Help me to grow in humility, giving praise and glory to you forever. We pray all of this in your name. Amen

Deacon Mike