Two weeks ago I talked about judgements – judgement of actions and not the person.  We make those judgements through the ‘rules’ or guidelines given to us by Church teaching and Scripture.  God has also made covenants (binding agreements between God and His people) with us as well.  During Lent we have heard about these covenants in our first readings.  This week, we hear from the prophet Jeremiah about the Covenant of the Heart.  “A day will come,” says the Lord through Jeremiah, “when I will write my law upon their hearts.  No longer will they have need to teach their friends and relatives how to know the LORD. All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the LORD.”  That day has come.

As Vincentians, sometimes the roadmap is not clear – there are no good and clear answers.  We turn to God in prayer and follow what seems right in our hearts.  When we are united to God, then we can look within ourselves, determine what our conscience is telling us and what God places upon our hearts, and know how to serve our God.  We don’t need particular laws for we have the Covenant of the Heart, a Covenant of compassion and mercy.  We have the Lord.  Our gospel tells us, “The Father will honor whoever follows me.”  Just as the angels were with Jesus in His greatest time of suffering, He is with us when we come in prayer for His will.  Easter points to new beginnings and new life.  We are sharers in that new life.  We need to have hearts of compassion, mercy and kindness.  We ask God for a clean heart, that we might serve Him faithfully and well.

Lord Jesus, create in me a clean heart that I may be your servant.  Give me a heart filled with compassion and mercy – kindness and goodness.  Give me a heart full of zeal and passion for your will in my life and the life of others.  Write your law – a law of mercy and love – upon my heart that I might look beyond the rules to understand what is truly needed.  Grant me the wisdom to seek and know your will in all instances.   We pray all of this in your name.  Amen

Deacon Mike