From the Deacon’s Desk:  Prayer and Inspirational Thoughts

January 26 – Third Sunday Ordinary Time

Our readings this week send us a clear message that there is but one purpose, one will, and one leader.  “The lord is my light and salvation!”  Paul tells us  “that there be no divisions among us and that we be united in the same mind and purpose.”  Our ‘calling’ does not belong to us, but to Jesus Christ.  Each of us is called to a unity of purpose – a purpose of loving Christ and reflecting his light out to others!  Through prayer and discernment we come to know the will of God.  Through humility, we submit to that will and seek to set our own agendas aside.  His will calls us to charity for one another, forgiveness of each other and mercy and compassion particularly toward the most vulnerable among us.

As Vincentians, we seek consensus in our decisions because it is not about a ‘vote’ of our personal preferences, but rather about collaboration with one another and with the Spirit to discern God’s will. This only happens when we discern our decisions through prayer.  It comes by seeking and growing in the virtues of charity, humility, simplicity, gentleness and selflessness.  We should have a zeal to seek God’s will above our own.  This is why conference meetings where cases are discussed and discerned in prayerful consideration are essential for our spiritual growth. It is why prayer before, during and after home visits is a must.  Do I seek God’s will in all things or do I seek to impose my will?  Are prayer and discernment at the core of all my actions?  Do I see SVdP as a calling to a way of life, or simply an opportunity to help others?

Lord Jesus, help me to seek out your will above my own, that I may be united in spirit and thought to the broader Vincentian family.  Allow me to set aside divisiveness, to enter into prayer and reflection, that I may allow your Spirit to enter deeply into my very essence guiding my thoughts, my words and my actions.  Through humility, give me a spirit of cooperation, a spirit of forgiveness, and a spirit of mercy and compassion.  May I continually come to reflect your will with greater frequency each and every day. We pray all of this in your name.  Amen


Deacon Mike