From the Deacon’s Desk:  Prayer and Inspirational Thoughts

August 16 – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 15 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our readings this weekend focus on two woman who appear to have little to do with each other, but actually have two essential traits in common.  The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Canaanite woman.  Both woman have great faith and trust in God.  Both come from humble beginnings and understand obedience to the will and plan of God.  Both ask for intercession on behalf of others.  The Canaanite woman seeks relief for her daughter.  Our Blessed Mother seeks relief for all of us as her children.  Neither woman is afraid to seek from Jesus what they need, trusting completely in Him and full of confidence in His goodness and mercy.

As Vincentians, we plead for God’s mercy for ourselves and those we minister to.  The more challenging the times become – as they have recently – the more important we come in humble obedience through our prayer trusting in the mercy and goodness of God.  We should proceed confident that Jesus will deliver for us if we but ask.  Do I have the faith and humility of these two woman?  Do I bring my concerns, my needs and my doubts and lay them at the feet of the Lord with confidence that He will provide what I need and what those I minister to need?


Father, grant me the humility and obedience of these two woman.  Allow me to act with confidence and trust in your goodness, your mercy and your love for us. Give me the courage to bring my needs and the needs of others before you especially when things appear bleak.  Let me never waiver in my trust that you will answer all my needs.   I pray all of this in your Son’s name.  Amen

Deacon Mike