From the Deacon’s Desk:  Prayer and Inspirational Thoughts

November 1 – All Saints

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of All Saints.  Our first reading from Revelations asks the question, “Who are these wearing white robes and where did they come from?”  They are of course the saints in heaven.  These were real people from every walk of life who acknowledged their weaknesses, confronted those weaknesses, and who met the challenge of Christianity and conquered it.  The saints were just like all of us – full of sin and weaknesses.  They developed in holiness and thought, to the point that they were living fully in and for Christ.  What makes them saints?  First, they understood their greatest weakness as being human, weak and sinful, and incapable of doing anything on their own without the help of the Lord.  They submitted to Him in full humility with thanksgiving for how they were graced by His love.  Second, they robed themselves in prayer seeking nothing but His will.  Third, they trusted completely in His will for them and came to live as He lived. They live the virtues he calls us to in the Beatitudes, and they live them with joy and passion. In short, it is those who embrace and reflect out the image of God through the lives they lead.  We too, can and should aspire to be saints!

As Vincentians we strive to grow in holiness every day.  To take on the image of Christ through the work we do with the poor.  Looking at the examples of the saints should inspire us to emulate their qualities.  They provide the roadmap for us to follow.  Do we submit in humility and thanksgiving to God’s will?  Do we seek His will for our lives and for those we help?  Do we robe ourselves in prayer and discernment, setting aside all our desires that we may be filled with nothing but His?  Do we trust completely in His will and embrace it with passion and joy?  Do we live the virtues of the Beatitudes, especially love and care for the poor?  Do others see God in our very presence?

Father, let our hearts be restless until we give ourselves over completely and totally to the work of Christ.  Let us seek continually to see Him and serve Him in those we help.  Let us strive to join the multitude of saints in heaven “who have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.” Help us to immerse ourselves completely in trust, seeking your will, robing ourselves in prayer, and embracing the virtues you call us to with joy and passion.  We pray all of this in your Son’s name.  Amen

Deacon Mike