From the Deacon’s Desk: Prayer and Inspirational Thoughts
February 16 – Sixth Sunday Ordinary Time
Jesus tells us, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” What are we to make of this? Jesus is telling us it is about more than laws or rules. We follow those out of obligation, fear or both. He is teaching us that our actions must be driven by more than that – they must be driven by love and desire – desire to please God, to glorify God and to love God. The laws and teachings that God gives us are to teach us how to accomplish this. As we embrace God’s laws, we may begin out of obligation but as develop habits that incline us to do good (definition of virtue), those virtues lead us to desire and love of God. This is the fulfillment of what God calls us to.
As Vincentians, we have the Rule, the Manual, and the Home Visit at the very core of who we are. Vincentian virtues and the Vincentian Pathway guide us as we develop those habits which lead us to holiness. In ministry to the poor and those in need, we sometimes find discomfort as we learn to love as God loves. Our goal is to grow in holiness as we move from ministry done because we ‘know it is the right thing to do;’ to ministry born out of unconditional love and mercy, that has at its core a desire to serve Christ in the poor. Is my ministry born out of an obligation to do ‘right’, or a desire to love God in others? What challenges do I face as I travel this journey of growth?
Lord Jesus, soften my heart that I might see Christ in those I serve. Help me to grow in my desire to serve. Give me the courage to confront my prejudices that I might overcome them. Give me the will to serve humbly in service to you. Give me the passion to set the world on fire with your love! We pray all of this in your name. Amen
Deacon Mike