Our second readings this week begin a series of readings from the Letter to the Hebrews.  We hear that “ ‘He’ (Jesus) was made lower than the angels, that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”  Jesus became human (lower than angels) not because he needed to, but so that he might more fully share in our experiences AND so we might come to know him in his humanity.  He not only modeled for us how to live but also walked with us that he might fully embrace us in his love and we might feel that embrace.  In this way, he could reveal the truth of who he is, who we are and what we are called to be.  His truly was the greatest ‘home visit’ of all time.

As Vincentians, we are also called not simply to help those we serve, but to truly walk with them, joining them in the joys and challenges of their lives.  Through home visits, we meet them where they are at.  Through listening we come to share in their challenges.  Through the virtue of simplicity and discernment through prayer, we bring to them the truth of what they need in a way that embraces them in love and compassion.  Do I truly walk with those I serve, joining in their struggles, or do I simply offer help from a distance?  Do I seek solutions centered in prayer and discernment and wrapped in simplicity and truth?

Lord Jesus, help me to grow in the virtue of simplicity.  Give me the courage to join those I serve, meeting them where they are at, and journeying to wherever you lead us.  Help me to embrace them in compassion and love.  Remove from me all pretenses of pride that I might truly embrace my brothers and sisters, humbly serving them and you.  We pray all of this in your name.  Amen

Deacon Mike