“Beloved: Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts.”
Our second reading from 1 Peter continues with instruction to the new Christians about how to take their faith out into the world. He is telling them to let the witness of your love and actions carry the day. They are going to meet many who are indifferent to their faith at best and outright hostile at worst. Peter’s advice – lead with your love and the faith will follow. Operate in an environment that is cordial and friendly, driven by quiet witness and genuine love.
As Vincentian’s this speaks to the heart of our home visits and interactions with those we serve.
We carry hope and love to all whom we minister to with no conditions and no judgement. Through our witness of love, the Spirit touches the hearts of others. What is our motivation when we go on a home visit? Do we go in a spirit of ministering to those in need that they may witness God’s love with no expectations, judgements or conditions? When our heart is pure we open the doors of possibilities for ourselves to be transformed as well as those we minister to.
Lord Jesus, guide me in my ministry that I may come in true and total charity to those whom you bring before me. Allow me to avoid judgement and offer only hope and charitable love. Allow your Spirit to guide our actions and words allowing them to touch ourselves and others with the transformations you seek. I pray all of this in your name.